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Floor finish stripper: Our premium low-odor floor finish stripper / remover. For medium to heavy duty stripping- mix 1 gallon of stripper to 4 gallons of water.

Apply liberally with a string mop and allow to remain for 15 to 30 minutes. The floor coating should be emulsified. Scrub floor thoroughly with a low speed (175 rpm) floor machine and a good stripping pad or stripping brush.

Pick up solution with a mop or wet vacuum.  Rinse thoroughly with clean water 2 -3 times to make sure all has been picked up.  Lighter duty stripping can be effected with a solution of 8-10 ounces  10 – 1 (ratio) per gallon of water. Follow above procedure including a thorough rinsing.

2 – 1 Gallon Case or 5 gallon